Thursday, July 3, 2014

Bicycles and mustaches

A lot of things have changed in the bicycle industry over the course of history. Now you have bicycles for every type of riding you do, different frame sizes, no more one size will fit all. You get gears, a lot of them, less weight and aero performance but one thing that is still the same ...

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Bicycle commuting - part one

bicycle commuting

Cycling to work can be done you don't have to be that fit, and can be lots of fun (some days).
Whether you are: in love with your bike and want to ride it every day, 
you love the environment so much you don't want to burn fossil fuel, you are to cheap to go by car or you just want to exercise using a bike to commute is a good idea.

If this idea is growing in your mind, read the post and find out a few useful information and tips gathered in 2 years of commuting.

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