I am a big fan of the Narcos series and during this long winter break, I had time to watch Narcos Mexico, the third and final season. After 6 seasons of Narcos 3 in the original series where the action takes place in Colombia and the Narcos Mexico, will make a recap of the pens shown on the movie. There were many pens and pencils.
In the original series, first and second season, the action revolves around the Medellín Cartel, and mostly around Pablo Escobar. In the third season the action is shifted in a post Escobar Colombia, to a rival cartel, the Cali cartel.
Murphy and Pena the DEA agents which are trying to take down the Medellin cartel.
The second one not very clear.
A possible silver gold Parker IM ball pointIn the third season, the action has shifted from Pablo to the Cali cartel. In episode 3 of the third series there is an insert with president Nixon, signing the act in which American banks have to announce all transactions over 10k $.
He is writing with a Parker Urban PremiumNarcos Mexico, which followed the original Narcos starts with a Parker Jotter used by the director of the newspaper La Voz
A typewriter, a notebook and a Parker. Great setup.
Season 3 of Narcos Mexico, Benjamin, the leader of the Tijuana cartel, receives a gift for his 40th birthday. It is a fountain pen that is supposed to be used by three presidents. It doesn't specify which presidents used it but still a cool gift.
It is not a clear image, it could be an Aurora Talentum. All this just before an intense moment, where in a club Chapo is trying to get them (a lot of shooting involved)
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